Christianity 101- The Limitations of God Christianity 101- The Limitations of God

Christianity 101- The Limitations of God

Descripción editorial

This may be the most important thing I've ever written and ever will!

Scripture tells us that in the end times there will be a great departure from the Christian faith (2 Thess. 2:3, "Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition…") We are seeing this RIGHT NOW! 

I'm continually astounded at the number of backslidden Christians I'm meeting and talking to on the forums and chat rooms. When asked why they lost their faith, they generally say something like this: "There is no proof of God!" I know that you are seeing this also. Have you also noticed when you try to talk to them they are very angry? Deep down inside, they are mad at God for not stopping the most horrendous acts: war, rape, shootings of mass murder, pedophilia, crime,etc… More often than not, this has affected them personally. 

In this eBook, I will give you the answers to troubling questions like, "Why does God allow…?", and "Why didn't He stop...?"

Do YOU know why? Can you tell an unbeliever why? If he/she knew the answer to a specific question like that, would they accept it and change their mind, and maybe, get saved?

THIS IS INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW AND BE ABLE TO SHARE.  Time is short. These are human souls at stake. They are precious in God's sight.

 I'm sure there are some Christians who do not know or don't care about the limitations of God and His ability to interact with them. Some atheists and some Christians DO know, but choose to ignore these facts, and that's their choice. But it's unacceptable to me that people without this important information never believe in the first place, reject the offer of free salvation and eternal life, or return to a lifestyle of secularism. It should be with you too. 

I have priced this ebook PACKED with information and scripture as cheaply as I can! These book websites won't let me give it away; they want their cut and this is how they make a living.  Download a copy of this book and give another to a friend or loved one in need.

Religión y espiritualidad
21 de junio
Lee Bell
Draft2Digital, LLC

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