Vengeance Is Mine
Descripción editorial
Juaquin Sanchez, 25 has just finished a three years stretch in LA Co. jail for collusion and conspiracy to move narcotics with the powerful South LA gang, Los Suros. Although having been convicted and incarcerated for those crimes there are strong rumors floating around both the LA legal community and the gang world that Juaquin was set up and railroaded by a an aggressive assistant DA looking to help his DA boss garner high profile convictions to pad legal career and launch a political one. Juaquin becomes caught between two worlds when his old gang affiliates and his current parole officer, who in a strange coincidence is very same assistant DA who had prosecuted him, now contend for his future. Juaquin has to weigh the scales of his heart and conscience to decide what will be the best path to follow for himself, his fiancée and his new baby boy. Novella ,young adult --fiction.