Alkaline Diet for Beginners: The Best Guide to Understand PH: Learn How to Improve Your Weight Loss in a Healthy Natural Way to Create a New Unlimited Energy Lifestyle to Reset and Cleanse Your Body (Unabridged) Alkaline Diet for Beginners: The Best Guide to Understand PH: Learn How to Improve Your Weight Loss in a Healthy Natural Way to Create a New Unlimited Energy Lifestyle to Reset and Cleanse Your Body (Unabridged)

Alkaline Diet for Beginners: The Best Guide to Understand PH: Learn How to Improve Your Weight Loss in a Healthy Natural Way to Create a New Unlimited Energy Lifestyle to Reset and Cleanse Your Body (Unabridged‪)‬

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    • € 11,99

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Are you looking to change the way your body feels once in for all? Are you ready to start seeing better results, then keep reading....

Do you want to lose weight and burn fat quickly while still enjoying your favorite foods?

Do you want to learn a new way of eating that will help you to lose weight naturally and without dieting?

The alkaline diet is one of the best diets to change the way your body functions and to help you get the best results possible without making you spend too much time and money. Contrary to popular belief, the alkaline diet could be one of the least expensive diets to follow, and it can help you tremendously in regards to bettering your health and well-being.

In this book, you will learn:

Introduction: Talk about the book and what is it that we are going to discuss.
Chapter 1: What is the alkaline diet secret.
Chapter 2: What are all the best benefits of the alkaline diet
Chapter 3: What Are the pH levels and how to measure them
Chapter 4: Macronutrients ratio and their importance.
Chapter 5: Good and bad foods: the foods which will make you more alkaline or acidic related to water.
Chapter 6: Who and why should follow the alkaline diet instead of other diets.
Chapter 7: How to live the lifestyle, how great this diet can be in conjunction with many other physical activities.
Chapter 8: Alkaline diet and diseases.
Chapter 9: Microbiome and alkaline diet.

You can tell how valuable this book is, so don't waste your time by thinking about what-ifs, get this book now!

The time is ticking…so scroll up and click the "Buy Now" button!

Joe Metcalf
u. min.
15 september
monni holding ltd