How to Be a Women Every Man Want to Marry ?: Relationship Secrets (Unabridged) How to Be a Women Every Man Want to Marry ?: Relationship Secrets (Unabridged)

How to Be a Women Every Man Want to Marry ?: Relationship Secrets (Unabridged‪)‬

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How to be a woman every man wants to marry?

1. A man wants a woman who values him

2. A man wants a woman who respects him

3. A man wants a woman who doesn't control him

4. You have enough self-confidence

i. Authenticity

ii. Courage to change

iii. Take happiness into their own hands

iv. A bit headstrong

v. Stand on their words

vi. "Nobody is perfect!"

vii. Free from comparison

viii. Stand by their feelings

ix. Get to know each other better

x. Create time for themselves

xi. They trust their instincts

xii. You see difficulties as challenges

xiii. You can empathize with others

ix. You are loyal

i. Physical fidelity

ii. Common values

iii. Mutual trust

iv. Mindfulness

v. Loyalty conflicts

vi. You can make good plans.

vii. A woman who shares goals and dreams

viii. A woman willing to work on the relationship

ix. A little jealousy

i. Reasons for jealousy

ii. What helps against jealousy?

i. Investing in hygiene pays off

What belongs to personal hygiene?

Other qualities men should consider in women are...

A. Naturalness

B. Positive charisma

C. Partner and best friend

D. Sense of humor

E. The hot lover

F. Emotional intimacy

G. Open communication

H. Less nagging

I. Tolerance for one's idiosyncrasies

J. Time for little adventures

K. Emotional stability

L. A deep security

M. Men like openness and a direct approach

Five traits men don't like in women...

1. Talking badly about the ex

2. When you hit hard to get

3. Men find women unattractive who do not have their own opinion

4. Too much makeup

5. Compare with previous partners

Why he is not good for you...

1. He flirts with millions of other girls.

2. He doesn't speak of you as his girlfriend.

3. He never asks what's wrong with you.

4. He threatens you.

5. He hits you.

6. He insults you.

7. He yells at you.

8. He's a notorious liar. 


Hannah Luna
u. min.
7 september
Sow Hadja Fatimata
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