Theological Education between the Times

Mark S. Young en andere
Reeks • 10 Boeken • Religie en spiritualiteit
After Whiteness After Whiteness
Willie James Jennings
On Becoming Wise Together On Becoming Wise Together
Maria Liu Wong
The End of Theological Education The End of Theological Education
Ted A. Smith
The Hope of the Gospel The Hope of the Gospel
Mark S. Young
Beyond Profession Beyond Profession
Daniel O. Aleshire
Atando Cabos Atando Cabos
Elizabeth Conde-Frazier
Notes of a Native Daughter Notes of a Native Daughter
Keri Day
Attempt Great Things for God Attempt Great Things for God
Chloe T. Sun
Transforming Fire Transforming Fire
Mark D. Jordan
Renewing the Church by the Spirit Renewing the Church by the Spirit
Amos Yong