Affordable Guide About Estate Planning and Child Protection Affordable Guide About Estate Planning and Child Protection

Affordable Guide About Estate Planning and Child Protection

    • € 27,99
    • € 27,99

Publisher Description

Attorney time costs on average $285 an hour and it takes time to build a rapport to get the much needed information you are seeking. It is not affordable for most families. Many Americans forego learning about financial legacy, child protection strategies and Guardianship. Going without this important information is like having a car with mechanical problems. It is only time before you stall if you forego the mechanic and fail to fix it. Why would you treat your life situations differently than your car?
A legal guide service provides all the information that you should get when sitting in an attorney's office, plus with our additional tips and asset questions, you are better prepared to use the services of an attorney when the time is right. When you have taken the time to become familiar with the information we provide, our Guides represent personal empowerment in your endeavor to understand what an attorney is saying or meaning during conversations. It is more convenient and certainly provides the time you need to absorb the information when it is purchased online. Educational Family Estate Apps is a mobile friendly web based service which has prepared two legal Guides: 1) Affordable Guide About Financial Planning and Child Protection and 2) American Indian Probate. Our Guest Writer Series is available and can be purchased separately on the website. Guest Writers are other attorneys, tax specialists and associated professionals who wish to showcase their knowledge as a way of supporting the social justice goals at Educational Family Apps, L.L.C.

Professional & Technical
31 July
Helen Nowlin
American Indian Probate Reform Act Legal Guide American Indian Probate Reform Act Legal Guide
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