Generation Ark Generation Ark

Generation Ark

How to Create an Enduring Legacy

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Publisher Description

Together, Simon and Mamie have created this book just for you. They believe you must preserve what memories you have of family, for your future generations, as soon as possible. Through loss they have both learned life is fragile and one never knows when the opportunity to protect memories of yesterday and today for the tomorrows.

Every human or being on Earth as a legacy…What's Yours? Will you pass yours along to future generations or journey through life, ending as an unknown, losing all recognition to your family, decades into their futures?
You will learn the tools you need for preserving your legacy so nothing is lost and one day decades beyond your departure in life, when a relative or friend looks back in time, there you will be, waiting to meet them, on video, voice or written message, preserved for all time.
Wouldn't you love to meet your relatives that lived 100 years ago or speak to your great, great, great grandchildren in the future? It's all possible and I share the past and future with you, showing you by example, days from the Cavemen that scratched out messages on a wall to 3D images of the future. Don't let your life's journey lay dormant never to be heard from again…Let your life and those you care about flourish with knowledge, by taking them along on the journey of life. Your legacy just may be what the world, finds to be the next, game-changer for the generations to come.

28 March
10-10-10 Publishing