Organizational Determinants of Contingent Employment in the Philippines. Organizational Determinants of Contingent Employment in the Philippines.

Organizational Determinants of Contingent Employment in the Philippines‪.‬

Journal of International Business Research 2008, Sept, 7, 2

    • € 2,99
    • € 2,99

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INTRODUCTION Contingent work pertains to a job arrangement in which workers have no long-term employment contract or one in which the workers' minimum hours of work vary randomly (Polivka & Nardone, 1989). Employment practices such as part-time work, temporary work, employee leasing, self-employment, job contracting, and home-based work may be considered contingent when the worker involved does not have a long-term employment contract. In the Philippines, work that does not provide workers with security of tenure is classified as nonregular employment. Examples of nonregular employees are contractual, casual, commission-paid, part-time, seasonal, and probationary workers (BLES, 1998, 2004).

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