Panagotopulos' Case Panagotopulos' Case

Panagotopulos' Case

MA.339 , 177 N.E. 800, 600 (1931)(276 Mass)

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Publisher Description

FIELD, J. This is a workmen's compensation case, G. L. c. 152. The employee for some time was employed as a 'treer' by the United Novelty Shoe Company -- Maryland Casualth Company, insurer -- but left such employment about July 29, 1929. He was out of work two weeks, then worked for the Merrimack Shoe Company two weeks, was again out of work until January 20, 1930, then worked for the Model Shoe Company two weeks, and afterward for the Jackson Shoe Company until the latter part of February 1930. He claims compensation for 'incapacity for work' after February 20, 1930, resulting, as he contends, from a 'personal injury arising out of and in the course of his employment' by the United Novelty Shoe Company, G. L. c. 152, §§ 26, 34, 35. After hearings of February 17, and March 3, 1930, a single member of the Industrial Accident Board found 'that this employee received a personal injury which arose out of and in the course of his employment with the United Novelty Shoe Company, due to the irritation and breaking of his skin in the performance of his work as a treer, and inflammation and poisoning caused by the employee's use of ammonia and liquid dye polish, * * * that the employee's injury was received on or about July 25, 1929, * * * that this condition became disabling on August 6, 1929, about one week after the employee had left his employment with the United Novelty Shoe Company,' 'that the condition which incapacitated the employee was not materially affected by his subsequent employment elsewhere, and that all of his incapacity for work subsequent to August 6, 1929, is due to the injury received while in the employment of the said Shoe Company,' awarded compensation against the Maryland Casualty Company, for total incapacity for two weeks beginning August 6, 1929, partial incapacity thereafter until August 30, 1929, and total incapacity from August 30, 1929, to January 20, 1930, and reserved the employee's further rights. The reviewing board adopted the findings and decision of the single member. This decision was not presented to the Superior Court.

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