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Kurt Austin en zijn NUMA-team redden een archeologe van de verdrinkingsdood. Ze blijkt de enige overlevende te zijn van een expeditie. Heeft het door haar opgedoken beeld soms te maken met de moord op haar collega's? Dan blijkt dat de resten van het scheepswrak van de in 1956 tot zinken gebrachte Andrea Doria een nog veel groter geheim herbergen. Het spoor leidt naar Marokko, Yucatán en uiteindelijk naar een machtige industrieel uit Texas, die op het punt staat een revolutie te ontketenen in het zuidwesten van de Verenigde Staten.
'Bloederige, pakkende actiescènes in exotische decors.' NBD | Biblion
'Clive Cussler staat wat avonturenromans betreft op eenzame hoogte.' Hebban.nl
Clive Cussler schreef ruim dertig bestsellers, waaronder de beroemde series over Dirk Pitt, Kurt Austin en Isaac Bell. Hij heeft inmiddels al meer dan drie miljoen boeken verkocht in Nederland en Vlaanderen.Cussler woont in Arizona, VS. Zie ook: www.numa.net.
After more than a quarter century of chronicling the aquatic adventures of action hero Dirt Pitt, Cussler (Flood Tide; Shock Wave) has finally decided to cast his line in somewhat different waters. Co-written by veteran mystery author Paul Kemprecos (Bluefin Blues; The Mayflower Murder), this novel still features the sturdy men and women of the National Underwater Marine Agency, plenty of hair-raising derring-do and a convivial cast of characters engaged in an outlandishly hatched thrill ride. The stars of this show are NUMA divers Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala, two young bucks without the seasoning and panache of Pitt but worthy successors, nonetheless. They are trying to find out why top archeologists are being killed, some of them butchered, at dig sites. The archeologists have apparently stumbled across artifacts proving, contrary to established historical thought, that Christopher Columbus wasn't the first Old World explorer to set foot in the New World. The killings can be traced to a mysterious organization in Texas called Time Quest, whose stated mission is to provide volunteers for digs. Its real intention, however, is much darker: to prevent anyone from learning that Spain was not the first on the scene in the New World and that the culture it claimed to discover had, in fact, been imported from other corners of the globe. Ultimately, Time Quest's leader, the evil Francisco Halcon, wants to foment revolution in the Western U.S. and reclaim it as Latin-American territory. The showdown between Halcon and NUMA's forces plays out in typical Cussler fury--first on the decks of the sunken passenger liner Andrea Doria in the waters off Nantucket and again in an underwater Mayan crypt in Guatemala. It's all great fun, if not a little top-heavy at times from flabby subplots and excessive detail on arcane historical facts and the machinery of deep-sea exploration. As for Pitt, his fans will be relieved to know that he and longtime sidekick Al Giordino make a brief appearance to wish Austin and Zavala luck, then depart for a mission in Antarctica, no doubt to return with tales of peril and glory.