SUMMARY - Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness by Alan Garner SUMMARY - Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness by Alan Garner

SUMMARY - Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness by Alan Garner

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    • € 6,99

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* Our summary is short, simple and pragmatic. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes.

*As you read this summary, you will discover proven techniques to quickly improve your conversation and communication skills.

*You will also discover : what are the right questions to ask to encourage discussion; how to make yourself interesting when you talk; what helps promote understanding and intimacy; how to take criticism constructively; how to make others want to get to know you better.

*Does everyone listen to you when you speak? Do you know how to tell anecdotes and make people laugh? Do you know how to avoid "blanks" in a conversation? If so, bravo, you already have an intuitive grasp of what needs to be done and surely enjoy the multiple social benefits that a pleasant conversation allows. If not, don't worry: knowing how to communicate is more a matter of practice than talent. There are tried and tested techniques that can be assimilated relatively quickly. However, they are complicated and reserved for a small number of insiders. It is the purpose of "Conversationally Speaking" to make them accessible to you so that you can improve today!

*Buy now the summary of this book for the modest price of a cup of coffee!

17 december
Shortcut Edition

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