SUMMARY - You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor SUMMARY - You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

SUMMARY - You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

    • € 6,99
    • € 6,99

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* Our summary is short, simple and pragmatic. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes.

*As you read this summary, you will learn that you can achieve all the wealth goals you set for yourself in life by rigorously applying a specific program.

*You will also learn : how to maintain an uncomplicated relationship with money; how to be rich through mental visualization; how to deal with the fear of taking the plunge; how to achieve success in all areas of your life.

*If you are not satisfied with your current financial situation, you are probably wondering how to get out of this impasse. Without necessarily realizing it, you are ruining your opportunities to build wealth in your life because of beliefs or habits that have been ingrained in you for many years. Yet, it is possible for you to experience success and abundance by following a specific program! You need to deeply understand every element of it and put every principle in place immediately to achieve success. Are you ready to finally take control of your life and become rich?

*Buy now the summary of this book for the modest price of a cup of coffee!

11 januari
Shortcut Edition

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