Or, The Book of Fate
- € 0,99
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A wonderful offering that is set in 18th century Persia. The book ask an age old question that debates the whether a good person can live a happy and fulfilled life while surrounded by people ridden by deceit and ill intent. This was the text that launched Voltaire into notoriety and is a great philosophical examination of the ills of society and its effects on good and honest people. The story follows the life of Zadig, who grapples with that exact question. He moves through his days while being surrounded by scoundrels, liars and thieves. He is a gentle soul and is constantly forced to deal with people with cruel intent and motivations. The plot is thin but the philosophical questions it confronts make the text an interesting read.
Zadigs dealings with the King of Babylon create an intense examination of those same philosophies he was subjected to on a daily basis. Zadig receives an incredible reward of a golden goblet because after a scandal destroyed the reputation of one of the king’s ministers, Zadig never spoke ill of him. The book is an example of social restraint while the majority fails to observe that restraint. It is an interesting journey that takes the reader through many examples of bad society and Zadig provides inspiration for those of kind intent.