Conciousness: The Way Out of Addiction (Unabridged)
- 125,00 kr
- 125,00 kr
Publisher Description
A four-hour workshop presented at the First International Conference on Consciousness and Addiction with Dr. Willis Harman (President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences).“Where the world goes wrong in attempting to help addicts is by offering a 200-level solution for a 600-level experience. A 600-level energy problem requires a 600-level energy answer.”With chalk in hand, a young Dr. Hawkins explains that a person is addicted to the re-experiencing of a certain high-energy field. He walks us through the steps of AA and his own personal experience with alcohol. He shows that drugs do create the “high” but only have the power to remove the blocks to this higher energy field that is always present within us.Using the now familiar Map of Consciousness, he takes us through the various energy levels from death to bliss. He states that, “To experience this energy field (Bliss) is the most addictive of all human experiences.” In the movie “Lost Horizon,” Dr. Hawkins illustrates how Shangri-La is akin to experiencing bliss. The lead character, due to various circumstances, leaves Shangri-La only to find that his bliss experience is the only one he truly desires and that he will give up everything to “get back to Shangri-La.” Powerful and personal, Dr. Hawkins creates a context in which to hold an understanding of the whole process of addiction.