Lose Weight Now
- 79,00 kr
Publisher Description
Lose weight the easy way with this superb, high quality weight loss hypnosis audio by Glenn Harrold, the UK's best-selling self-help audio author.
Glenn's unique hypnotherapy recording will help you to programme your mind to accept that you eat small amounts of healthy food and genuinely LOVE exercising and being active. Losing weight is easy when your are in control of your eating habits and exercising regularly and Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosis techniques and production will help you achieve these goals in a safe and natural way.
On each hypnosis track you will be safely guided into a very deep state of mental and physical relaxation and then given multiple post-hypnotic suggestions to release any desire for sweet or fattening food, and to eat smaller amounts of healthy food instead.
Glenn's utilises his skilled weight control hypnotherapy techniques to help you break any past negative associations with eating and dieting, which completely removes the struggle from losing weight. By taking full control of your eating habits automatically, you will begin to lose weight the best way possible - slowly and steadily. This production will help you to feel very motivated to exercise often and to remain a healthy eater forever, even after you have reached your target weight..
Please note: The first track is for daytime use and will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness at the end. The second track is identical except it will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night-time use. There is also a third affirmation track with an awake ending.