Memory: Brain Improvement, Learn Faster, Remember More and Be More Productive (Unabridged)
- 29,00 kr
- 29,00 kr
Publisher Description
Why Your Brain Matters and Why It's Important
Science has already established the fact that the brain is the body's command center. Everything you say, do, and think about involves the power and function of the brain.
This central organ can be broken down into two different regions, or hemispheres (left and right), each of which performs different functions, including balance, speech, and movement. Any damage to a particular area of the brain can affect the function it controls. That would lead to symptoms like difficulty speaking, loss of concentration, or loss of movement.
The brain's left hemisphere controls the sensory and motor functions of the right side of the human body. It is also in charge of logical and scientific functions like the understanding of spoken and written language, reasoning, and number skills. The brain's right hemisphere controls the left side of the body's sensory and motor functions. The brain's right side takes care of decorative features like insight, art awareness, and music.
In this book you will learn:
How brain improvement affects your body
Brain power boost at any age
Basics of your brain
How thoughts are made
The thalamus
The genius' approach
A long journey
How to sharpen your brain
Physical exercise for brain benefits
Qi gong and tai chi
Having purposed in life
And more!