Wicca Elemental Magic: A Guide to the Elements, Witchcraft, and Magic Spells (Unabridged) Wicca Elemental Magic: A Guide to the Elements, Witchcraft, and Magic Spells (Unabridged)

Wicca Elemental Magic: A Guide to the Elements, Witchcraft, and Magic Spells (Unabridged‪)‬

    • 45,00 kr

    • 45,00 kr

Publisher Description

Everything you need to know about working with the magic of the elements.

Did you know that the psychic energies of each element are found within each and every person on the planet? Or that by connecting spiritually with a particular element, you can help address an imbalance in your life? Best-selling author Lisa Chamberlain delves into these topics and much more in Wicca Elemental Magic.

Created for both beginners and more experienced Witches alike, this guide is a comprehensive yet concise treatment of one of the core aspects of Wiccan and other Pagan practices. Lisa covers the basics of incorporating the elements into your rituals, as well as less-often discussed topics like animism, elemental personalities, and using these forces of nature to help you enhance your magical perception. You’ll also learn:

Our earliest civilizations’ understandings of the elements and their relationship to magic
How recent scientific observations reflect these ancient concepts
The core magical properties of each element: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit, and how we are personally influenced by these energies
Ways of attuning with individual elements for enhanced living and magical practice
Elemental relationships with deities, "elemental beings", and spirit animals
An overview of Wiccan ritual with a focus on the elements, including altar layout, casting the circle, and calling the quarters
Techniques and magical practices for working with individual elements
Spells, rituals and charms focused on each individual element

An element-centered practice is a rich and rewarding way to deepen your connection to the Goddess and God, to nature, the universe, or however you describe the power of all that is. Wicca Elemental Magic will be a treasured reference and magical guide for your journey.

Ready to start working magic with the elements? Just start listening!

Religion & Spirituality
Kris Keppeler
hr min
9 September
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