Into the Mind of Lucifer Into the Mind of Lucifer

Into the Mind of Lucifer

Publisher Description

This eBook is a prequel to the Angelic Wars series where the author gives Lucifer less than 50 pages to state his case for rebellion against God. It addresses the following questions: Have you ever wondered how evil began? Or why God gave angels the free will to reject Him? This prequel to the Angelic Wars series, Into the Mind of Lucifer, is a small window into Rick E. Norris's creation of interactive musical novels where characters sing when the reader activates a link. Into the Mind of Lucifer is a fictional account of Lucifer's state of mind while he was in the process of deciding to reject God's majesty. In this Prequel to the Angelic War's series, the author is inspired by Biblical sources that refer to Lucifer, also known as Satan and Morning Star. The Bible describes very little about Lucifer, but does note his beautiful appearance, his desire to be like God, his presence in the Garden of Eden, and his rebellion. This prequel is meant to establish Lucifer's (fictional) mindset, which later develops in the angelic wars fought in Heaven. The fantasy stories of these heavenly battles are told in Angelic Wars: First Rebellion and Angelic Wars: End of the Beginning. These books constitute a fictional story of the internal struggles and external battles among the angels as they fight for Heaven. All books include songs sung by the angelic characters and footnotes to Biblical Scripture. In this prequel, the author gives Lucifer forty-six pages to state his case of rebellion against Almighty God. Biblical references are used in a number of ways: Some references are to the actual story setting as it is written in the Bible, those there are few. Others display a faint parallel or shadow between other events described in the Bible and this fantasy story. Many of these references apply Biblical events to new contexts, in line with the convention that history is intertwined or vaguely "repeats itself." Lastly, in this Prequel, (and in all of the books of the Angelic Wars series), Lucifer distorts the Holy Scripture as he did in the Bible. For example, when he tempted Jesus, he used Scripture for his own selfish purposes (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 4). I refer to such Biblical citations as "distorted." This or no other book in the series is meant to supplement the Bible, God's Holy Scriptures, but to entertain and allow the reader to "step into the shoes" of the angels who fought in the ultimate battles. Lucifer, the most revered of all angels in Heaven, is sent on the first mission to earth—to serve God's pinnacle of creation, humankind. He is the first angel to travel into the material world and the first to realize that God has been "holding back" against his angels—the power of a free will. While on earth, Lucifer is frustrated while waiting for this pinnacle of creation to materialize. His frustration boils into rage as he learns that not only can he use his free will to control his destiny, but he can also use it to alter God's creations. This prequel sets the stage for Lucifer's journey back to Heaven where he raises an army against God and his Kingdom.

Fiction & Literature
14 September
Rick Norris

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