Jones Meets Rage's Family Jones Meets Rage's Family
Detective Rage Mysteries

Jones Meets Rage's Family

    • 55,00 kr
    • 55,00 kr

Publisher Description

Rage entices Jones with donuts to talk about a trip back to see her family, “It has been years since I was back home.”
Jones see it as a real vacation to see the country.
They schedule three weeks of vacation. They decide to use her jeep. Jones covers a wall with maps, strings, and objectives. They make a travel manual to use. But at the first freeway exchange, she throws the manual on the floor and he flips a coin on which way they should go. She drives as Jones has never been checked out enough to drive her jeep.
The second day out they find a small town with a boarding house and a big bed. Jones wonders how much of this was planned, but he flipped the coin and slept on the floor.

The next day Rage is out using all the gears in her jeep climbing hills, big hills. They use the spare can of gas in the jeep and Jones is concerned as he is now driving. They find some gas from an old fellow trying to put a large deer on his mule.
They cook in his shack at the top of the hill. By the time Rage cooks dinner it is too dark to drive on the poor road. They stay the night. Janette offers half her air mattress to Jones, but he is happy on the floor. The next morning both are looking for more covers. Jones opens the door and finds three feet of snow. He starts a fire, she cooks, and then he feels he must remove some snow from the roof. After the snow removal, Janette is warming herself by the stove with very little on to dry her clothes.
The next night Jones is forced to share half her air mattress to keep both warm. As the wood pile get less, Janette says, “We may have to do some serious snugging to stay warm.”
By noon of the next day, the snow is almost gone, and it has warmed up. They stay one more night and need few covers.
“Rage put your jeans on, you could get a tick like that.”

The old man that left them in the shack is worried if he did the right thing.
Ma tells him, “I will check, but you left them plenty of food, wood and gas.”

Later, they are near Janette’s home when her police scanner lights up. It is the sheriff chasing six mean guys. Rage jumps in to help.
At Rage’s home there are plenty of people, kids, and food. Jones is beginning to respond to ‘Samuel’ in every conversation. Granny Rage is giving him the serious eye, every time he looks round.
What has Janette Wanda Rage set up for Samuel Ray Jones? Is he the fly in the spider’s web and does he really want to escape?

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