Life As a Kidney Patient
- 109,00 kr
- 109,00 kr
Publisher Description
Throughout this book that I was writing I thought
of so many people that I was introduce during
my journey with the battle of kidney disease.
I thought about all the nurses and patients that
gave their sacrifi ce to keep going and do their job.
Far as the nurses goes I know they gave a lot of commitment to
see that everyone kept their spirits up and made sure everyone was
comfortable and safe. Each day they greeted you with a smile and
made sure you follow the guideline that was stated to you and them.
The patients handled the situation the best they could and we
always tried to get along with each other and the staff. We were
always somewhat entertained and acknowledge of what was going
on with our surroundings and us in the facility. This was especially
noted when there was once in a while a storm or maybe a power
failure. We all worked together to make sure everything still went
as planned for everyone.
Thus, what I expect from each one of you that reads my book is
think of the book being helpful and aware of how things are for
some kidney patients. I expect all kinds of emotions before and after
you have read this book. I also expect if I can at least reach one of
ten people know that life has its ups and downs on all parts of life.
Far as something about me goes I never gave up one any situation
that I had to overcome and that I always kept laughter in my heart
and the people around me kept my spirits up with laughter and joy
so that I did not always think about my predicament.