Path Finder Path Finder

Path Finder

A Guide to the Newly Awakened - COVID-19 Edition

Publisher Description

Path Finder is meant for those who are awakened, or nearly awakened, from the slumber of belief and dogma, and for those who seek their full potential. The title of this book refers to the journey to find meaning and purpose in your life, and is meant to help you gain clarity when undertaking your journey of self-discovery. It is not meant to tell you what to think, or not to think. While it will not tell you what to think, it may touch on how to think. What comes after that is up to you. Path Finder will also help you to enlarge upon your awakening, and will assist you to develop principles and practices to guide your journey. This COVID-19 Edition is meant to assist you in discovering how best to support your community.

In this book there are teachings found in Christianity, Buddhism, and Sufism, as well as secular books of wisdom. I have taken freely from the words of saints, while avoiding dogma not related to those words. The filter was my heart, and my intuition.

When awakened, you are capable of leading an intentional, committed and loving life. When awakened, you are able to do great good. When awakened, you are able to make a real difference in other people’s lives. The reward will not be the keys to heaven, or even the admiration of others. The reward is power. Power over yourself. Power to choose. Power to serve.

Health & Well-Being
6 April
Essential Services