Science and Politics: Accepting a Dysfunctional Union (Features) Science and Politics: Accepting a Dysfunctional Union (Features)

Science and Politics: Accepting a Dysfunctional Union (Features‪)‬

Harvard International Review 2008, Summer, 30, 2

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Publisher Description

Dan Sarewitz, professor of science and society at Arizona State University, argues that we should fully expect politicians to politicize scientific information because "that is their job...and this--like the second law of thermodynamics--is not something to be regretted, but something to be lived with." Sarewitz's assertion flies in the face of many recent discussions on science and politics, focusing predominantly on the actions of President George W.Bush, which are characterized in ample portions by both blame and regret. [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]

Business & Personal Finance
22 June
Harvard International Relations Council, Inc.

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