The Guide To A Minimalist Lifestyle The Guide To A Minimalist Lifestyle

The Guide To A Minimalist Lifestyle

How Minimalism Can Also Positively Change Your Life!

    • 29,00 kr
    • 29,00 kr

Publisher Description

The Guide To A Minimalist Lifestyle: How Minimalism Can Also Positively Change Your Life!

You always have to keep up with others? Stress and dissatisfaction shape your everyday life and you don't know how to change your life for the better?

Then you will feel just like me in my past, until I have changed my life and switched to a minimalist lifestyle! So don't hesitate and start now into a simple, happy and stress-free life with my minimalism guide!

Our world today is shaped by consumerism and we are confronted every day with advertisements that suggests that material goods bring us happiness and contentment. It is about as much as possible To earn money to live a life of material abundance. However, this lifestyle is associated with much Stress, work and little time associated with the important things in life such as friends and family. And the inevitable question arises: Is it all worth it?

I would like to bring you closer to a lifestyle that is the opposite of excessive consumption: minimalism. Minimalism will bring serenity, peace and joy back into your life. Through this book you will understand why it is time to turn your back on consumer society and cultivate a minimalist lifestyle. Here I will give you a detailed step by step guide for your very own individual path into a minimalistic life. I will explain to you what minimalism is and what it brings you personally, how you start into a minimalist life and which methods and tips help you to lead a long-term minimalist life.

Don't waste any more time and finally make time for the important things in life again: More money, time, peace and love!

Don't leave it to dreaming. Do something good for yourself and take some time for this guide. So don't hesitate and take now the first step into your new, simple, happy and stress-free life. Try it out - it's worth it!

Health & Well-Being
11 September
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