Who Are The Victims Who Are The Victims

Who Are The Victims

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    • 25,00 kr

Publisher Description

Fascists and right-wing militia target the United Nations and European Union over what they call an unholy alliance of leftists and Zionist supremacists who are deploying the full might of the European Union and United Nations to impose migration, multi-ethnicity, multiculturalism and miscegenation on nations world-wide. Fascists start to hit back, first at the polls in Europe, now in Brazil, and, inspired by tweets of Donald Trump, by letter-bombs in the US.
‘The biggest genocide in human history’ is what a member of the European Parliament called the formal decision that makes it mandatory for member states to accept both political and illegal migrants. Who are the victims? Not the outlandish refugees that the European Union and United Nations are inexorably and by coercive measures forcing on their countries, fascists all over Europe say, but the citizens of Europe whose lives, traditions, cultures and religions are physically, mentally and spiritually being bestialized.
Commissioner Gesche Eichgrün of Sonder Dezernat, a special intelligence unit of the Bundes Polizei in Berlin. Calls Rian Schröder, head of the SAPS National Operational Unit, and tells him since the EU took a formal decision that makes it mandatory for member states to accept émigrés there has been a sharp increase in fascist activity throughout Europe, which is of major concern to European intelligence agencies. A recent conference of Aryan supremacists held in Berchtesgaden was attended by right-wing organisations from all over the world, even the Far East. The fact that the conference held in Berchtesgaden where Hitler’s Eagle Nest is located and that Endlösing, Hitler’s doctrine for a pure Aryan race, was discussed makes the conference symbolic.
Rian flies to Berlin where Gesche tells him they hear the question of ‘the past that will not pass away’ and ‘who are the victims’ featured strongly at the Aryan conference. “When one takes into consideration that victim in the dictionary is described ‘as a living being sacrificed to a deity’ or ‘in the performance of a religious rite’,” she says, “can you blame Germans when they ask the question, are they being sacrificed by leftists and Zionist Supremacists on the human rights altar to atone for the sins of the fathers.” German intelligence services have established that a small committee was elected at the conference with a free hand to produce a satisfactory solution. The intelligence services have been monitoring movements of the committee members who are all known extremists and it is evident something is brewing, but they do not know what.
When Rian is taken captive by Deutsche Eiserne Faust, its leader Gottfried Kütemeyer tells him in Hitler’s final will and testament written just before his suicide in April 1945, he charged Germans to uphold the race laws and to continue the struggle against Jews. And since Jews are playing a major role in international bodies to force émigrés on Europe they intend to blow up Cité Berlaymont, headquarters of the European Commission; the Peace Palace in The Hague, home of the International Court of Justice; and the United Nations building in New York.
Rian manages to escape but DEF had tricked him into handling a weapon with which two German intelligence officers were shot and now the German police and Interpol have a ‘shoot to kill’ bulletin out on him.
Three days hence world leaders will be addressing a conference of the United Nations General Assembly on the subject of émigrés and Rian knows this is where the game will be played out. But with Interpol, German police and members of DEF on the lookout for him, how can he get undetected from Europe to the United States of America? Once more he calls on his friend Larisa Kovrizhkna, head of Yuzovka, a Ukrainian crime syndicate for help.
Who Are The Victims is a sequel to The Cassiopeia Contract.

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