An Account of The Kingdom of Nepal
2.9 • 500 Ratings
Publisher Description
This book is an illustrated version of the original An Account of The Kingdom of Nepal by Francis Hamilton. “The account of Sikim is chiefly taken from a Lama, or priest of Buddha, who, with part of his flock, had fled into the district of Puraniya, to escape from the violence of the Gorkhalese, and who constructed a map of the country, which I have deposited in the Company’s library. Besides the Lama, I consulted many of the natives of the Company’s territory, who had visited the lower parts of Sikim, and several of the Gorkhalese, and other people of Nepal; and Mr Smith, of Nathpur, favoured me with several particulars, collected by a Mr Pagan for the information of government. ”
Customer Reviews
Sankalpa Subedi
Nice book.
Very good till now, let’s see the rest...