Peter Pan Syndrome: Narcissistic Boys Who Never Grow Up (Unabridged)
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Is your husband or boyfriend afraid of growing up? Do responsibilities and maturity elude your significant other? He may very well be suffering from Peter pan Syndrome.
It is quite possible that your husband or boyfriend never took on any responsibilities as a teenager and continues to remain stuck at the mental capacity of a teenager. It is not too far-fetched to understand how someone who avoided all responsibilities and ever matured, to grown up maintaining that sense of self-worth.
If you could go through your teenage years with no adult responsibilities, then how would you know or grow to understand how to function as an adult when you were older?
Truth is that he is a narcissist.
A man suffering from Peter Pan Syndrome has very strong narcissist traits and is immature on a social level and psychologically.
Is your significant other a “manchild” or stuck in his “manolescent” stage of his life? Does he avoid growing up like Peter Pan at all costs by showing no interest in a career, has no goals in life, fears change, or is avoidant of all adulthood responsibilities? If he fits these symptoms, he may be a sufferer of Peter Pan Syndrome.
If he has all the charm and wit of a Peter Pan, yet also falls into the description of never wanting to grow up and is a useless adult, then he may be suffering from Peter Pan Syndrome.
Learn more about why Peter Pan Syndrome sufferers are narcissists. Understand their symptoms, personality traits, and why they never grew up. Are they overprivileged or were they just never exposed to any mature or adult like responsibilities as a teenager? Discover why every Peter has his Wendy and learn why women are attracted to and fall for immature men.
Peter Pan may have learned to fly in the book and movies, however the sufferers of Peter Pan Syndrome were never taught how to “leave the nest” and “fly the coupe” so to speak. They did not learn the basic tools they needed to become healthy mature adults.