Management, Work and Organisations

John Purcell and Others
Series • 10 Books • Management & Leadership
Leadership Leadership
Keith Grint & Owain Smolovic Jones
Strategy and Human Resource Management Strategy and Human Resource Management
Peter Boxall & John Purcell
Workers and Labour in a Globalised Capitalism Workers and Labour in a Globalised Capitalism
Maurizio Atzeni
Making Projects Critical Making Projects Critical
Svetlana Cicmil & Damian Hodgson
Public Management Public Management
Ian Greener
The Modernisation of the Public Services and Employee Relations The Modernisation of the Public Services and Employee Relations
Stephen Bach & Ian Kessler
Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management
Maeve Houlihan & Sharon Bolton
Re-Thinking the Future of Work Re-Thinking the Future of Work
Colin C. Williams
Equality, Inequalities and Diversity Equality, Inequalities and Diversity
Gill Kirton, Geraldine Healy & Mike Noon
Reassessing the Employment Relationship Reassessing the Employment Relationship
Edmund Heery & Peter Turnbull