Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry

Nathan Brown and Others
Series • 33 Books • Pharmacology & Toxicology
Target Discovery and Validation Target Discovery and Validation
Alleyn T. Plowright
Innovative Dosage Forms Innovative Dosage Forms
Yogeshwar Bachhav
Neglected Tropical Diseases Neglected Tropical Diseases
David C. Swinney & Michael P. Pollastri
Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-Based Drug Discovery Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-Based Drug Discovery
Francesco L. Gervasio, Vojtech Spiwok & Raimund Mannhold
Epigenetic Drug Discovery Epigenetic Drug Discovery
Wolfgang Sippl & Manfred Jung
Drug Selectivity Drug Selectivity
Norbert Handler
Early Drug Development Early Drug Development
Fabrizio Giordanetto
Protein Therapeutics Protein Therapeutics
Tristan Vaughan, Jane Osbourn & Bahija Jallal
Transporters as Drug Targets Transporters as Drug Targets
Gerhard F. Ecker, Rasmus P. Clausen & Harald H. Sitte
Animal Models for Human Cancer Animal Models for Human Cancer
Marianne I. Martic-Kehl & Pius August Schubiger