A-Z Awakening Map by Jacqui Shrimpton A-Z Awakening Map by Jacqui Shrimpton

A-Z Awakening Map by Jacqui Shrimpton

A driver's manual for the Soul

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Publisher Description

Awakening to the lies, confusion and fakery of our 3D world is just the entrée to the Soul's awakening journey. With one foot on the spiral path, there’s so much more to learn and experience about the Soul's alchemical awakening and ascension experience - now your eyes are wide open.

No one knows where we are heading, but A-Z Awakening Map has been designed to assist your journey, help you navigate the spiral path, and deepen your understanding of the epochal changes we are going through as a collective.

A-Z Awakening Map takes a grounded approach to spiritual subjects and offers practical guidance around self-healing, soul growth and spiritual attainment. A-Z Awakening Map provides simple, easy-to-understand knowledge on soul, energy and consciousness, with How-Tos, journal exercises and divine actions and behaviours that will alchemise the soul to harmony and balance.

Awakening and Ascension is a magical spiral journey led by the soul. It is elevating humanity into higher consciousness states, collapsing outworn structures and bringing healing and relief to the pain burden we each carry. Our souls signed up for this and know what to do. The soul takes care of it all, it’s all divinely timed and guided.

A-Z Awakening Map is written by Jacqui Shrimpton, author of MiningPluto.com, a blog about grounded spirituality and teachings from her own awakening journey. Jacqui experienced an awakening when she emigrated to New Zealand from the United Kingdom in 2006, sight unseen, relocating to her personal Pluto line, an astrological anomaly that ushered in an intense transformation, turned her life upside down, and brought about many sudden jolts from moving away from everything she’d ever known.

Like Alice down the rabbit hole, she found herself in a surreal new world of disorder, a parallel universe that required her to follow her soul’s lead and do its bidding. She began journaling her experience, and in the years that followed, accumulated volumes of useful information and guidance around the awakening and healing process. Through her blog MiningPluto.com, Jacqui offers spiritual guidance, journal exercises, How-to’s and simple teachings on consciousness and energy, and divine tools, codes, keys and caveats for the soul’s awakening path.

Awakening forces us to suspend judgment of what we once held true. It provides a unique opportunity to get real with ourselves. Once awakened, we perceive the world differently, through real eyes. Awakening breaks us out of the illusion, igniting the soul's purpose into healing our pain and suffering, and forces us to release distorted patterns, trauma, core wounding and detrimental behaviours that have kept us from embodying our true selves.

A-Z Awakening Map is a practical, easy-to-understand guide for the newly awakened and provides everything you need to help fast-track your experience and direction for dealing with the great unknown.

Body, Mind & Spirit
1 March
Jacqui Shrimpton