Cool Technology for Academic Medicine
With Shameless Emphasis on Radiology
Publisher Description
This book covers the latest technology that we consider cool and interesting for academic physicians. Since we are all radiologists, we shamelessly emphasize the items that work well for us. Specifically, we spend a lot of time talking about applications and techniques for producing and optimizing images for education. We also cover electronic publication of books, podcasts and vodcasts. We also describe tools and techniques for education and scholarly work.
Chapters include image acquisition and manipulation, stoock photography on a shoestring budget, ninja techniques with Photoshop and Illustrator, combining multiple exposures, making pseudo line art, making line drawings that aren't embarrassing, eBook publication, podcasting and enhanced podcasting, vodcasting and enhanced vodcasting, presentation Fu--how not to suck, screen casting, audience response systems, reference management software--why do you need it, radiologist saves seconds--why you need RSS, backup--advice from a paranoid, Internet access in difficult areas, sharing files, essential iPhone and iPad apps for academics, and learning new computer skills online.