Cracking the Curtain Cracking the Curtain

Cracking the Curtain

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Publisher Description

Special Agent Warren is given a commission from the President of the United States. Remove Russian President Bogdan from power. Don't kill him. That could lead to war. Make him want to resign. And make sure nothing can be traced back to the U.S. government.
Warren knew full well that this operation could not be done. It was simply too big. Too many unknowns. Too many unpredictable variables. They would have to insert their will in perfect harmony to create diversions, then instantly and precisely manipulate many variables to meet their objectives. And each tentacle they extended held the potential to be discovered. And they could get bushwhacked if they weren't careful because they would be going up against the time-tested best.
But Warren felt obligated down to the core of his being to do something. If they could formulate a good enough plan and successfully realize one element at a time, they might put a dent in him, and that would make it all worthwhile.
"We all knew what our directive was going to be, yet came anyway. We see a great wrong and share a need to do something about it. And, we know . . . implicitly . . . that we might be able to achieve what the our military and combined intelligence communities could never accomplish without risking an all out war.” Warren took a deep breath and scanned the faces of everyone present. “But we . . . might be able to remove Russian President Bogdan from office.”
Everyone in the room mentally gasped. Hearing it aloud crystallized their thoughts. This was really going to happen. As insane as it sounded.

Could it be done realistically?
In a novel that weaves a wonderful dream?
You owe it to yourself to find out.
Cracking The Curtain ~ 94 k words.
The novel that will change the world.

Do words = meaning = power?
Is it possible, do you think, that words can change the world?
Is it possible, do you think, that words can form ideas?
Is it possible, do you think, that ideas can motivate people?
To become heroic.
To put their beliefs into practice.
To enjoy the moment and do no harm.
To spend some time each day helping others.
To think globally, act locally.
To recognize goodness and nurture it.
To walk the path of truth.
To recognize lies and the liars who tell them.
To be proud of accomplishment.
I do.

Fiction & Literature
17 June
Kevin Warrick Fitzgerald
Draft2Digital, LLC
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