Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 232 - Obedience
Publisher Description
In our day, modern American religion has such a flimsy, worldly, and perverted view of grace, one is not surprised that many professing believers think they are hearing the unbearable clanking of legalistic chains when some preacher…tell[s] them that the Word of God commands them obey the Lord Jesus Christ. The truth of the matter is that Jesus Himself says that obeying Him is our expression of love for Him; in fact, He goes on to say that we positively do not love Him if we do not obey Him. This is sobering, but biblical truth.
With this is mind, we present the latest Free Grace Broadcaster: Obedience.
Pastors, when was the last time you taught Christ's blood-bought people the importance of obedience to Christ? Parents, does your life of obedience to Christ fill your home, your family worship, your daily lives with the fragrance of Christ's grace? How we pray that this issue of the FGB will stir your heart to love Christ Jesus by keeping His commandments! His precious blood, spilled on Calvary's cross, not only cleanses us, but sanctifies as well. May our hearts pour out our love to Christ by fervent, humble, joyful obedience to Him. Obey is a four-letter word that blood-bought believers should love.