Peacocks for Kids Peacocks for Kids
Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers

Peacocks for Kids

Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers

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Publisher Description

Peacocks for Kids

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Fascinating Peacocks
Chapter 2 Peacock's Features
Chapter 3 A Peacock's Life
Conclusion Fun Peacock Facts!
Author Bio


Peacocks are a magnificent species from the Pheasant family of birds. The Pavo Cristatus or Indian Peafowl is a large bird. It is well-known for their beautiful, bright tails in dazzling colors and hues! Have you ever seen one?

The Pheasant family of birds includes partridges, chickens, jungle fowls, quails and of course the peafowl. This species comes from South Asia and today, Peacocks are found in places like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Western China and India among others.

Another variation of the bird is found in Burma and in the lush African Rainforests, the Congo Peacock is happy living under the stars. Sadly, this species has not been seen for years, but it just may pop up one day again!

Did you know only males are actually Peacocks? So what are females called? The female species of this bird is a Peahen and when both (or a group) are together they are known as: Peafowls. And the babies? They are known as Peachicks! Life expectancy is usually between 15 – 20 years. But there is a record of a bird living in captivity for 23 years.

It is interesting to note that in this species the male really dazzles, but the female is more subdued. How so? Males are the ones with the bright plumage and long impressive train or tail. Some females have no train and although their neck area has beautiful greenish feathers, their plumage is mostly a dull brown.

Peacocks live off the ground. They are known as “ground feeders” according to National Geographic. This means their food is found—you guessed it— on the ground! They eat things like berries, grains, insects and even small animals like lizards, rodents (Small) and snakes.

For thousands of years Peacocks have been admired for their plumage and personality. Have you ever heard of the term ‘Proud as a Peacock?’
A writer who lived many years ago used this phrase (Written as Proud a Pekok – by Chaucer in Troilus & Criseyde) to describe personality traits. This term stuck in everyone’s mind and when we use this phrase, we may think of a proud or ostentatious person.

There is no doubt Peacocks are unique and distinctive. But in some places they are more than just a bird. Did you know this bird is sacred to many people especially in India? In the Hindu religion this beautiful bird is revered for its tail, which symbolizes the ‘eyes of the gods.’

Ultimately, Peacocks are amazing birds and a beautiful part of nature’s wonders!

5 December
Mendon Cottage Books
Draft2Digital, LLC

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