Soap Making: Everything You Wanted To Know, But Couldn'T Find
Everything You Wanted To Know, But Couldn'T Find
- $14.99
- $14.99
Publisher Description
This book is about far more than just how to make soap. To truly appreciate the art, it's necessary to understand the series of trial and error that have brought us to the quite refined process we use now. Soap Making is the history of men and women; it gives testimony to the resourcefulness of cultures around the world, and often incorporates myth into science. After all, what could be more magical than the transformation of animal fat and oils into the hard, foamy beauty that transforms our bath experience Included in this book is a full (but beautifully brief) history of soap making, the processes to make Cold Process (CP) Soap, Hot Process (HP) Soap, Rebatched or Milled Soap, and Melt & Pour Soap - plus dozens of recipes for each method to keep you inspired.