Words of Radiance
The Stormlight Archive Book Two
4.7 • 70 Ratings
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Publisher Description
The Stormlight Archive saga continues in Words of Radiance, the epic second book in Brandon Sanderson's #1 New York Times bestselling series.
The race to find the Shard artifacts is on...
Return to a planet swept by apocalyptic storms, a world tipping into war as aristocratic families move to control the shard blades and shard plates, ancient artifacts from a past civilisation that can win wars.
As the world tips into a war for control of the mythical artifacts of power made from Shard, characters are swept up into new dangers which will threaten their integrity and their lives.
Other books by Brandon Sanderson
The Cosmere
The Stormlight Archive
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance
Edgedancer (Novella)
Rhythm of War
Wind and Truth
The Mistborn Saga
The Well of Ascension
The Hero of Ages
The Alloy of Law
Shadows of Self
The Bands of Mourning
The Lost Metal
Trapped in an interminable war with the Parshendi, the kingdom of Alethkar is further handicapped by quarreling aristocrats and the racial divisions between the elite lighteyes and downtrodden darkeyes. Against this background, Sanderson's sequel to The Way of Kings has several intertwined storylines. The scholar Jasnah seeks proof for dark suspicions, while her apprentice Shallan struggles to find an identity in a world determined to define it for her. Dalinar, uncle to hapless King Elhokar, strives to reform Alethkar despite the opposition of the self-consciously corrupt aristocrat Sadeas and the much-betrayed darkeyed Kaladin who is forced to choose between personal vengeance and the greater good. Urgency is heightened by the approach of a long forgotten menace, one a divided world may not survive. Kaladin's situation echoes the Parable of the Faithful Servant and while most readers will miss the significance, both the myth behind the ascension of the lighteyes and certain aspects of the Parshendi recall the Curse of Lamanites, a now obscure bit of American folklore. Those elements aside, the novel is weighty without being ponderous, and delivers a satisfactory story despite being part of an episodic secondary world fantasy series.
Customer Reviews
Absolutely amazing
Brandon Sanderson is a genius. These books are a masterpiece and it is very hard to put down.
The book is good but suffers from at times too many perspectives, you may find yourself skimming through pages of (interlude characters) to get to the more interesting perspectives ie Kaladin, the storyline is good but otherwise predictable if you have read enough to recognise patterns in the fantasy genre, overall get the book if you can commit to reading all perspectives as without the context provided the book becomes a lot less understandable.
A new favorite
It's been a while since I've found a book that engages me like this one does