Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature

Laura White y otros
Serie • 73 libros • Crítica literaria
Doctrine and Difference Doctrine and Difference
Michael J. Colacurcio
Doctrine and Difference Doctrine and Difference
Michael J. Colacurcio
Wilkie Collins Wilkie Collins
Stephen Knight
Touch, Sexuality, and Hands in British Literature, 1740–1901 Touch, Sexuality, and Hands in British Literature, 1740–1901
Kimberly Cox
The Vampire in Nineteenth-Century Literature The Vampire in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Brooke Cameron & Lara Karpenko
Nineteenth-Century Visions of Race Nineteenth-Century Visions of Race
Justyna Fruzińska
The Forgotten Alcott The Forgotten Alcott
Azelina Flint & Lauren Hehmeyer
The Matrilineal Heritage of Louisa May Alcott and Christina Rossetti The Matrilineal Heritage of Louisa May Alcott and Christina Rossetti
Azelina Flint
“Music Makers” and World Creators “Music Makers” and World Creators
Michaela Hausmann
Jane Austen and Literary Theory Jane Austen and Literary Theory
Shawn Normandin