21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Basic Military Mountaineer Course - Equipment, Knot Tying, Rope, Cold Weather Clothing, Injuries, Terrain, Evacuation, Weapons, Animals, Bivouac Operations 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Basic Military Mountaineer Course - Equipment, Knot Tying, Rope, Cold Weather Clothing, Injuries, Terrain, Evacuation, Weapons, Animals, Bivouac Operations

21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Basic Military Mountaineer Course - Equipment, Knot Tying, Rope, Cold Weather Clothing, Injuries, Terrain, Evacuation, Weapons, Animals, Bivouac Operations

Equipment, Knot Tying, Rope, Cold Weather Clothing, Injuries, Terrain, Evacuation, Weapons, Animals, Bivouac Operations

    • S/ 34.90
    • S/ 34.90

Descripción editorial

Written by the Army Mountain Warfare School (AMWS), this workbook provides crucial information about mountain warfare training. The untrained mountain Soldier has two foes - the enemy and the mountain. But he can make a friend and ally of the mountain by learning to know it. The mountain can give him cover and concealment, points of vantage and control, even, at times, food, water, and shelter. The instructions in this manual even cover the site selection and building of a snow cave.

TABLE OF CONTENTS * Soldier's Creed * Welcome and Comments * Safety Statement * Environmental Statement * Basic Mountaineering Equipment * Basic Knot Tying * Rope Management * Cold Weather Clothing * Environmental Injuries * Mountain Operations * Characteristics of Mountain Terrain * Soldier Load Management * Mountain Travel Techniques * Anchors * Mountain Weather * Basic Mountain Casualty Evacuation * Altimeter Land Navigation * Avalanche Awareness and Rescue * Hauling Techniques * Environmental Effects on Weapons * Animal Packing * Rappelling in Mountainous Terrain * Fixed Ropes * Water Procurement * Climbing Techniques * Additional Height Construction * High Lines * Communications in a Mountainous Environment * Vertical Danger Area * Mountain Patrol Base and Bivouac Operations * Aerial Resupply * High Altitude Illness and Prevention * Confined Space Exploration and Clearing * References and Equipment Recommendations * Appendix A - Long Distance Holds for ACOGs and CCOs

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