21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 10 - Airspace and Air Defense Systems, UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Theater Missiles, Air Defense 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 10 - Airspace and Air Defense Systems, UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Theater Missiles, Air Defense

21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 10 - Airspace and Air Defense Systems, UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Theater Missiles, Air Defense

    • S/ 17.90
    • S/ 17.90

Descripción editorial

This Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) describes the spectrum of worldwide systems and system trends in the Contemporary Operational Environment (COE), serving as an authoritative "encyclopedia" of weapons around the world. This is the newest edition revised in 2011. This handbook is one of a series that describes a contemporary Opposing Force (OPFOR) for training U.S. Military commanders, staffs, and units. Together, these handbooks outline an OPFOR than can cover the entire spectrum of military and paramilitary capabilities against which the U.S. Military must train to ensure success in any future conflict.

Part Ten includes the section of Volume Two (Airspace and Air Defense Systems) covering UAVs, unmanned aerial vehicles, theater missiles, and air defense.

CHAPTER 4 - UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES * Mini-UAVs and Micro-UAVs * Skylark, Skylark II, and Skylark IV * Skylite B * Zala 421-08 * Weapon-Delivered Aerial Sensor Munitions * Fox AT1 * Fox AT2 * ASN-104 and ASN-105 (formerly D-4) * ASN-207 * Camcopter S-100 * Shmel-1 and Pchela-1K * Vulture * Tu-143 and Tu-243 * Hermes 450S * Hermes 900 * UAVs Used in Attack Missions * Attack UAVs Harpy and CUTLASS * CHAPTER 5 - THEATER MISSILES * Theater Ballistic Missiles * Iskander/SS-26 Theater Ballistic Missile * Tochka-U Theater Ballistic Missile * Shahab-3A and -3B Theater Ballistic Missile * Tables: TBM Images and Data * Cruise Missiles * Cruise Missile/Atk UAV Harpy and CUTLASS * BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile * Lynx Rocket/Missile Launcher, Delilah CM * Table: Non-Ballistic Land-Attack Systems * CHAPTER 6 - AIR DEFENSE * Air Defense Command and Control and RISTA * Air Defense Systems and Domains * Aircraft Survivability and AD Countermeasures * Engagement Factors and Data for Simulations * Air Defense Systems: Key Technology Trends * Air Defense Support: C2, Radars, and ELINT * Long Track Mobile Air Defense Radar Vehicle * Sborka AD ACV (with DOG EAR Radar) * Giraffe 50AT/AMB AD Radar and Command Vehicle * ELINT Support to Air Defense

The one technology which has the seen the greatest expansion of research and fielding activity in recent years is that of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A research center in 2008 listed 789 UAV programs and UAVs. Reasons for the expanded use are that these systems can extend our vision and reach over any terrain, against any force, with fewer restrictions, dangers, and support requirements than manned systems. Since they are unmanned, they can go into areas where risk to crews might hinder a mission. Uses for UAVs have expanded beyond the primary one of RISTA, to include, security patrolling, delivery of IW systems (e.g., jammers), communications retransmission, attack, counter-air harassment of enemy aircraft, and remote materials delivery. Revolutions in lightweight materials, imagery systems, and control technologies, particularly commercial, have lowered costs and facilitated these changes.
This chapter provides characteristics of selected unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) either in use or readily available to the OPFOR. Therefore, UAVs discussed in this chapter are those likely to be encountered by U.S. forces in various environments and levels of conflict, or are representative of the range of systems fielded and available.

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