As others see us As others see us

As others see us

Descripción editorial

Truth be told, by thousands of years the human being pays a lot of attention to what we call ... the mouth of the world.
Today ... we politely say that ... yes ... is indeed important as others sees us.
The garbage man is interested about that.
The cleaning lady.
But also ... the president or the king of the country.
Somehow, for a weird reason, difficult to be defined, are extremely important for us all those perceptions, even if we can't clearly understand why.
Unfortunately, soon after ... the influences of all those
opinions change the dynamic of all.
The way we act.
The way we dress.
The way we speak.
The way we react in front of anything.
Losing ... authenticity.
That ability of being the true self.
And ... it happened to me too.
Many times.
10 years ago.
1 year ago.
Last week.
... even today.
But ... i've came into a point when i'm tired of listening to them.
So ... i ignore anything they might think or say.
Even ... if some of them have good intentions.
... somehow trying to be motivational.
Fortunately, i feel and clearly know it, that i must ignore all of them.
Cause there are too many.
And ... actually too many contradictory opinions.
All being unclear.
I am a good person, an extremely bad one, a horrible
character, a person obsessed of manipulating all around, or a
human illusory believing that can save the world etc etc.
I can only smile.
The truth is that ... personally i don't know who i am, even if
I've spent so many years into my company.
But this charade of perceptions continues.
Annoying me.
Or even making me sad.
Until is obvious that i can live without them.
So ... i disconnect.
I am on the stage of life, but i am in there more as a ghost.
I feel like that ... better.
Today i look into their eyes and i smile.
Probably, having enough of hearing all those craps, even if indeed many things which they are saying are true ... realising everything is just a perception ... i become detached.
Feeling better.
And even if i don't have the guts to express myself ... i start to realise the importance of authenticity.
So ... my whole focus change ... being a lot related with my inner world.
Which I believe is good.
At least for myself.

Salud, mente y cuerpo
16 de diciembre
Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
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