Time, Unincorporated 1: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives: (Vol. 1: Lance Parkin)
- S/ 19.90
- S/ 19.90
Descripción editorial
In Time, Unincorporated, the best essays and commentary from a range of Doctor Who fanzines are collected and here made available to a wider audience. In spirit, this series picks up the torch from Virgin's Licence Denied collection (1997), concentrating some of the most delightful, insightful and strange writings on Doctor Who into a single source. Volume 1 of this series collects 15 years of Doctor Who-related essays and articles by Lance Parkin, one of the highest-regarded Doctor Who novelists. The cornerstone of this edition is a year-by-year survey and analysis of Doctor Who that Parkin wrote for the 40th Anniversary of Doctor Who (updated to the present), as well as a myriad of Parkin's articles and columns from the fanzines Enlightenment and Matrix. Also included: Parkin's original pitch for the celebrated Doctor Who novel The Infinity Doctors (1998), his extensive advice on the art of writing and more.