Dover Thrift Editions: Biography/Autobiography

Thomas De Quincey and Others
Series • 15 Books • Biography
The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and His Essay The Gospel of Wealth The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and His Essay The Gospel of Wealth
Andrew Carnegie
Autobiography Autobiography
John Stuart Mill
My Inventions and Other Writing and Lectures My Inventions and Other Writing and Lectures
Nikola Tesla
My Life on the Plains My Life on the Plains
George Armstrong Custer
The Pillow Book The Pillow Book
Sei Shonagon
Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes
Robert Louis Stevenson
Selections from the Life of Samuel Johnson Selections from the Life of Samuel Johnson
James Boswell
Seven Pillars of Wisdom Seven Pillars of Wisdom
T. E. Lawrence
John Barleycorn John Barleycorn
Jack London
The Road The Road
Jack London