Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology: Essays in Honor of David L. Paulsen (Part One) Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology: Essays in Honor of David L. Paulsen (Part One)

Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology: Essays in Honor of David L. Paulsen (Part One‪)‬

Jacob T. Baker and Others
    • 84,99 zł
    • 84,99 zł

Publisher Description

Few scholars have made an impact on contemporary Mormon thought and theology like BYU Professor of Philosophy David L. Paulsen. Recently retired after nearly 40 years of teaching and mentoring, Paulsen has produced an imposing catalog of influential books and articles on Mormon teachings. More significant than his impressive scholarly oeuvre, however, has been his personal influence on generations of students, many of whom he inspired to become teachers and mentors themselves, and contributors to an increasingly interesting and relevant religious conversation. In addition, as one of the first serious LDS interlocutors with Orthodox Christian scholars, Paulsen has established professional and personal relationships with a wide array of non-LDS academics engaged in a serious and respectful dialogue regarding Mormonism and Christianity.

This volume is a collection of essays representative of Paulsen's wide-ranging professional and personal influence, collected in honor of his many achievements and published on the occasion of his retirement. Each of the authors (a majority of whom are not LDS) has been impacted by Paulsen's scholarship and friendship in important ways, and have authored essays reflective of this dynamic. In addition, the essays are significant contributions to Mormon thought in and of themselves, covering diverse areas of inquiry from Mormon atheology to the possibility of an Evangelical Mormonism; from Liberation Theology to Mormon conceptions of divine embodiment; from Mormon approaches to transcendence to Mormonism's confrontation with evil and suffering, and many more.


Jacob Baker (Also Editor)

Carl Mosser

Brian Birch

Paul Owen

Craig Blomberg

Donald Musser

Joseph Price

Stephen Davis

Clark Pinnock

John Sanders

James Faulconer

Robert Millet

Lyndsey Nay

John Welch

Francis Beckwith

Blake Ostler

Douglas Davies

Dennis Potter

James McLachlan

Daniel Barron

Religion & Spirituality
12 July
Greg Kofford Books
Greg Kofford Books, Inc.