Pocket Surprise -Series. Part 1 Pocket Surprise -Series. Part 1

Pocket Surprise -Series. Part 1

Pocket Surprise

Publisher Description

After Janey breaks up with her fiance, her friend Helen offers her the use of her parent's holiday cottage at the Vaal River. She has been there on several occasions in the past, so she willingly accepts the offer, as she knows the peace and tranquility there will help her to come to terms with what has happened.
After several days of just relaxing and reading, Janey decides to walk down to the river, where she sits on a large rock and stares into the flowing water. Then moments later, she hears a man's voice asking her if he can paint her into his picture. She looks up and sees an artist standing behind an easel. They exchange hellos, and she says she would be happy to sit there for him. He later asks her for her email address, so he can let her know if he wins a prize in the art competition he is entering the painting into, which is taking place in Paris. She obliges and he gives her his cell no. He then continues to paint, but when she looks up again, -he has disappeared.
Janey later finds a french franc in her raincoat pocket and has no idea how it got there. A few days later she makes two wishes as she tosses the coin into the river. Her first wish is that she will one day travel to Paris and the second is that the artist, Chris, will win the competition and then contact her. Her wish to go to Paris is the important one, because it was over her suggestion that they spend their honeymoon in Paris, that she and her ex fiance broke up.
She thinks nothing more of this until she finds an email on her laptop from Chris. He has won, and sent a picture of his painting for her to see. She feels happy about this, but for some reason she does not respond to his email.
A couple of weeks later when she has found herself a part time job, she comes home after a hard day and decides to walk down to the river again. She sits on the rock and notices that someone has left her a message and a cell no and is asking her to call him urgently.
After some debate she calls the number and a Frenchman named Tomas tells her the story of how Chris died in his arms after a motorbike accident and asked him to go to his cottage and pack up his things and also contact her to give her the painting called -Girl sitting by the river.
All these coincidences begin to confuse Janey and she begins to wonder if she is the connection or if Tomas is the person that can connect all the dots and make sense of it all, as everything seems to point to Paris.
So is Tomas the connection that will bring it all together for Janey or does her future perhaps lie elsewhere?

14 December
Joy Bassetti-Kruger

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