The Annunaki Novels The Annunaki Novels

The Annunaki Novels

    • 44,99 zł
    • 44,99 zł

Publisher Description

The tales surrounding the Annunaki are inconsistent, conflicting and often little more than myth. The Annunaki Novels are a compilation of four related books that together tell of mankinds journey with the Annunaki since they first visited us 14.2 million years ago to their return and evaluation of our planet and our species in the year 2022, the year foretold in the annals.

The first novel tells in ten inter-related stories the impact of the Annunaki on the human species. The Annunaki gifted our hominid ancestors with greater brain power and enhanced comminication skills that, in turn, enabled our species to thrive and develop over time. The second novel "The Revenge of the Druids" expands on an story from the original book and is set in the summer of 1834 when a near derelict schooner fleeing the potato famine in Ireland beaches itself on the east coast of America. On board the crew and passengers are dead; they have killed each other. A "miasma", the essence of the concentrated hatred of the Druids against the Romans following their final battle on the sacred island of Mona many centuries before, exudes into the atmosphere and is released into an unprepared America bringing fear and terror in a way never imagined before.

The third book in the series "Deep State" is set during the presidency of Barak Obama. A scientist and researcher analysing DNA sequencing discovers that at some time in the past "synthetic" DNA has been added to human DNA. Fearing that his discovery will be suppressed by the Deep State he searches for an investigative journalist to put his knowledge in the public domain, and in doing so sets in motion a chain of events that will hake both Washington D.C. and the World to its very foundations. The repercussions are endless as the existence of aliens is finally revealed along with the exposure of a lont-term international and govermental cover-up.

The fourth novel is based on the prophecies in the annals of the ancients that tell of the return of the Annunaki in the year 2022. Upon their arrival they evaluate the human race remaining distant in the solar syatem to see how we have developed as a species and how we have teated our planet. Their primary concern id the well being of the planet and the examine as to whether mankind and the planet can exist in harmony. The human race teeters on the brink of extermination as they decide our fate.

The fifth novel is the Reckoning as the world comes to terms with the implications of the visit of the Annunaki. The sixth novel sees the world under threat as never before as global warming is worsening, religious extremism grows, and an interstellar visitor is set on a direct collision course with the Earth.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy
1 January
Jack Lourens
Draft2Digital, LLC
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