Tommy: The Kentucky Kernel When the Bad Outweighs the Good
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- 12,99 zł
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I'm from the baby boom era when women were birthing tribes, gangs or an entire baseball teams of usually around 8-10-13 babies. Women were tough back then and many gave birth in their homes like my older sister was being born in one room and grandma was giving birth to another playmate for all of us, one of my favorite aunts in another room.
I'm sure to this day G.I. Joe toy soldiers can be dug up all over the grounds down in that holler in Kentucky where grandma, my cousins, aunts and uncles and me lived. I had a blast growing up surrounded by lots of aunts, uncles and cousins who were all only a day, sometimes a year apart in age. We were poor and not ashamed of it.
Bully kids on the bus and at school and the mean, nasty red head boy Tommy that lived next door used to throw things at me and call me horrible names. Tommy used to yell across the big privacy fence cursing and throwing rocks at me all the time and calling me dirt, trash and filthy rat. He instigated all the kids on the bus, at school and in the neighborhood and made them be mean to me with him. Tommy and his gross, ugly, old, bald uncle Ralph had a huge, rich, expensive house was very close to grandma's and overshadowed our old shack, but was separated by a huge fancy privacy fence.
Three or four of my aunts and me used to lay out in the sun on the tin roof in shorts while Tommy and his uncle harassed us from their house. I wasn't allowed to wear shorts at home in Indiana because dad was a Pentecost Oneness Evangelist and he beat the shit out of me every time he saw the tan lines on my legs and knew I had been wearing shorts. Grandma was the coolest ever and let us do anything we wanted like wear shorts and walk three blocks down the street to the Ale-8-One factory or the corner store to get an Ale-8-One.
When I got older I started hanging out downtown at a hole in the wall restaurant called City Restaurant and a Pool Hall called The Green Lantern where I met a lot of women who loved to party so I started hanging out with them a lot and staying downtown a lot. These girls were street wise and knew all the places to party, all the places to get alcohol and drugs. We all hang out together for quite a few years and got into a lot of trouble, got drunk and stoned or tripping a lot and got into a lot of bar fights. We were all basically living on the streets and living for the next party, the next alcohol, the next drug, and the next trip. We all had our own sugar daddies looking out for us while we were running the streets they would take us to get something to eat when we're too strung out, get our alcohol and drugs for us and making sure we had decent clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet for the price of sex or a blow job. Well how did you think women on the streets survived because it's no secret!
I lived on the streets for many years and it was hard to do and getting old especially during the winters when I wash my hair in a restroom and it freezes when I walk outside. It was never an option to go home to mom and dad because once you left home you can never return. When a girl leaves home to a Pentecost Oneness Preacher your a whore and no longer welcome. They are why I was living on the streets because after I was raped they stole my first born baby, took me to the highways and legally adopted her. They put me in jail every time I came around to try to steal my baby.
During this time I was raped by a member of the Iron Horseman motorcycle gang Scotty and had a baby boy Shawn by him. Because I was beaten severely during the pregnancy, lived in the snow and was homeless the baby was born with double pneumonia and a broken collar bone. When the baby was released we went to Scotty's apartment and the Iron Horseman was there and they told me to leave and if I ever came around again they would kill me.