What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden
- 22,99 zł
- 22,99 zł
Publisher Description
To what really happened in the Garden of Eden, and the effect it has on all humanity. from that time to now. Our LORD Jesus told us that we shall know the TRUTH. and His TRUTH shall make us free. that being the case. I have pondered in my mind why is there so much confusion in the world of believers in Christ.
There are different denominations saying that they are the TRUTH, and all claim to be the body of Christ. If they are the body of Christ. why are there so many different teachings on Christ. The LORD put it on my heart to go back to the beginning in the book of Gen. 1:1 and I began to ask and seek. and knock. I could no longer fake man's word to be the answer so I sought the TRUTH from the spirit of TRUTH, and got the answer, and peace of mind. As you read and pray, I pray that you receive the spirit of Wisdom, and revelations in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only God knows his TRUTH, and he reveals himself to those that have the spirit of Christ his only begotten son full of grace, and TRUTH.