Because I Can with Roald Dahl's Matilda :  Pantomime Because I Can with Roald Dahl's Matilda :  Pantomime

Because I Can with Roald Dahl's Matilda : Pantomime


    • 1,49 €
    • 1,49 €

Descrição da editora

This Module Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Pantomime is part of a course of study on themes in Matilda; comprised of the easy to use following activities: yes/no questions, true/false questions, short answer, multiple choice, extended response, essay writing and personal response etc.
In Roald Dahl’s novel Matilda the …
Enjoy this easy to use workbook, Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Pantomime.
When the student is needing more assistance in any one of the following areas please see the relevant following texts respectively:
Milestone Ten, Using Your Voice Eloquently to Write an Essay by Sophia Von Sawilski,
Milestone 7, Guidance to Strategic Planning by Sophia Von Sawilski,
Narrative Gold Nuggets, Milestone 4 by Sophia Von Sawilski,
Milestone Eight, Swiss Knife Paragraphs by Sophia Von Sawilski,
Milestone Nine Visual Literacy by Sophia Von Sawilski,
Course Outline
Overall, these modules are the themes in Matilda which deal with the impact of extremes. Maturity demands we outgrow immaturity. The human condition can’t guarantee balance, but a competent maturity demands it. Extremes are an integral part of youth.
The norm of our lifelong youth culture endorses we work hard and play hard. Win – lose scenarios are the domain of immaturity which models itself on frameworks such as archetypes and pantomime. One of the consequences of allowing extreme to dominate lifestyle is insensitive entropy and delusions of grandeur.
Responsible rational adults engage in proactive partnerships; exercising resilient maturity by navigating the balance of win - win situations through dexterous thinking and problem solving with an awareness of enriching the human condition.
The relationship between Miss Honey and Matilda represents balance.
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Daughter Mother Relationship by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Daughter Father Relationships by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Social Awareness by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Rules by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Olympian by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Marionette by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Pantomime by Sophia Von Sawilski 2021
Because I Can with Roald Dahl’s Matilda: Miss Trunchbull by Sophia Von S

Profissional e técnico
15 de julho

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