Dictionary of 7-Letter Words: Words You Should Know Dictionary of 7-Letter Words: Words You Should Know
no. 4 - Words by Number of Letters

Dictionary of 7-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

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In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1125 useful 7-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:

01 -- abiotic [adj.] -- relating to non-living or non-biological parts of an ecosystem in the environment
02 -- abridge [v.] -- to make a shortened version of an ‘original text’ [synonyms: abbreviate, shorten]
03 -- abyssal [adj.] -- of or belonging to the ocean depths, especially between about 3000 and 6000 meters down
04 -- acclaim [v.] -- to praise, admire or welcome sb/sth enthusiastically and publicly || [n.] -- praise, admiration and approval for sb/sth, for artistic achievement in an enthusiastic way [synonyms: approbation, commendation, compliments]
05 -- adeptly [adv.] -- in a skillful way that shows natural ability or through proficiency [synonyms: adroitly, skillfully, proficiently]
06 -- ageless [adj.] -- never coming to an end or growing old [synonyms: everlasting, timeless]
07 -- airhead [n.] -- an unintelligent or stupid person [synonym: dreamer]
08 -- amateur [adj.] -- doing sth for enjoyment or interest, not as an occupation; done for enjoyment or interest, not as an occupation [synonym: recreational] || [n.] -- (a). a person who engages in activity especially a sport for enjoyment or interest, not as an occupation | (b). -- an unskilled person [synonym: layperson]
09 -- amateurish [adj.] -- done incompetently, inexpertly or unskillfully [synonym: unprofessional]
10 -- ancient [adj.] -- (a). relating to a period of history that is very long ago and no longer in existence [synonym: primeval] | (b). having existed for a very long time in the past; very old | (c). (the ancients) the people of Egypt, Greek and Rome that existed before the end of the Western Roman Empire a.d. 476
11 -- angelic [adj.] -- (of a person) exceptionally good, kind, gentle, innocent or beautiful; like an angel
12 -- anodyne [adj.] -- not likely to cause disagreement or offense; not expressing strong opinions [synonyms: bland, insipid] | (b). capable of relieving pain
13 -- appease [v.] -- (a). to make sb calmer and prevent them from harming you by accepting their demands [synonyms: conciliate; soothe; pacify] | (b). to make or preserve peace with a nation and avoid war by giving it what they want
14 -- artisan [adj.] -- a person who does skilled work, especially one that involves making things with their hands [synonym: craftsman]
15 -- audible [adj.] -- that is loud enough to be heard clearly [synonym: perceptible] [antonyms: inaudible]
16 -- audibly [adv.] -- in a way that can be heard [synonyms: noticeably, perceptibly]
17 -- aurally [adv.] -- with regard to sound or the ear
18 -- aureate [adj.] -- (a). (especially of language) decorated or elaborated in a complicated way | (b). made of gold or having the color of gold [synonym: golden]
19 -- aureole [n.] -- a circle of light or brightness especially around the head or body of a holy person
20 – avidity [n.] -- extreme interest, eagerness or enthusiasm
21 -- awesome [adj.] -- (a).very impressive and often frightening [synonyms: amazing, tremendous] | (b). first-rate, excellent or pleasurable
22 -- awfully [adv.] -- extremely, terribly, very

Profissional e técnico
25 de julho
Manik Joshi

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