Economic Security: Neglected Dimension of National Security? Energy, Workforce, Innovation, Debt and Deficits, Entitlement Programs, American History, Industrial Base Economic Security: Neglected Dimension of National Security? Energy, Workforce, Innovation, Debt and Deficits, Entitlement Programs, American History, Industrial Base

Economic Security: Neglected Dimension of National Security? Energy, Workforce, Innovation, Debt and Deficits, Entitlement Programs, American History, Industrial Base

    • 9,49 €
    • 9,49 €

Publisher Description

On August 24-25, 2010, the National Defense University held a conference titled Economic Security: Neglected Dimension of National Security? The conference explored the economic element of national power. Often ignored and misunderstood in relation to national security, the economy has been taken for granted for years, but its strength is the foundation of national security. Over 2 days, several keynote speakers and participants in six panel discussions explored the complexity surrounding this subject and examined the major elements that, interacting as a system, define the economic component of national security.

As the Nation begins to understand the imperative of putting its problem-solving apparatus into a global systemic context, that framework was used to explore the topic because, as Albert Einstein said, "We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." And the linear solution sets we once used to solve simplistic problems are of little value in a world of complex systems.

This conference was designed around a systemic framework that could be used to develop a grand strategy surrounding the Nation's economy as a subsystem of national security. The panels and keynote presentations looked at the economic element of national power from different system views. Those views—including the role of debt, the government, industrial capability, energy, science, technology, and human capital—create a systemic view of what could be done to improve an understanding of the economic element of national power. Selected papers from the conference that represent these views comprise this volume.

Chapter one is a transcript of the comments made by opening keynote speaker David Walker. He contends that if the economic element of national power is neglected and misunderstood, nothing will be more dangerous to the Nation than the national debt and its unintended consequences for generations to come. His arguments are alarming and are critical for policymakers and every citizen to understand. He provides a common-sense approach to getting the Nation's financial house in order.

America's role in the world is based on its military and economic prowess and capability. In chapter two, John Morton traces the historical roots of the economy and its role in enabling the superpower status of the Nation. He also proposes that the United States needs an economic grand strategy and describes the road ahead.

No 21st-century economy can be secured without a steady supply of energy. Without adequate energy to power contemporary civilization, there is no security at all. In chapter three, Keith Cooley explains his approach to an energy plan, which includes a grand strategy that, if enacted, will support the Nation's future.

Contents: Contents * Preface * Introduction * Chapter One * We the People: Keeping the Economy and the Nation Strong * David M. Walker * Chapter Two * Toward a Premise for Grand Strategy * John F. Morton * Chapter Three * Energy Security Is National Security * Keith W. Cooley * Chapter Four * Achieving Energy Security That Feeds the Economic Component of National Security * Louis J. Infante * Chapter Five * A Well-educated Workforce: Vital Component of National and Economic Security * Myra Howze Shiplett, Wendy Russell, Anne M. Khademian, and Lenora Peters Gant * Chapter Six * Innovation * Carmen Medina * Conclusion * Sheila R. Ronis

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