Healing the Wounded Church, a Pastor's Summary Healing the Wounded Church, a Pastor's Summary

Healing the Wounded Church, a Pastor's Summary

Descrição da editora

The church is hurting. We don't like talking about it. Stiff upper lip and all that. But honesty requires we see what is happening around us and take action. There seems to be very little delineation when moving from outside to inside the church anymore. Why is that? Could it be we have brought the wounds we all suffer inside with us? It is time to heal the church and all its people.
In this revised and very condensed version of the thirty-six (36) areas where the church needs healing, I have addressed it to Pastors, hoping to generate some thinking and considering and maybe little action, too. The three volumes of the series are divided into twelve manageable bites that walk a person or a group through the necessary process of evaluating all the vulnerabilities in their life and insuring they have healed over that area rather than just covered it up.
This volume is intended to be a taste of things a Pastor might desire to see in his congregation and spur a little hope that the whole Christian package is attainable. It is my fervent hope it will spur discussion and debate and possibly further and deeper prayer and action within the churches themselves.
The church is the hope of this world. What hope is there if we are beaten down and limping along beside others who are beaten down and limping along? When God calls us out of the throng of humanity, He does not call us to be hurting and wounded? He calls us to heal us and make us the church without spot or wrinkle.
This is a chance to review where we are, where we are going and, quite possibly, discover how we intend to get there.

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